Thursday, December 9, 2010

Some Reflection Time and Appreciation on the Happenings of 2010

These past few days, I've been thinking alot about this year. About things that I was able to experience, opportunities I've had, and I think most of all,

I've been thinking about all the people I've been able to meet and get to know.

(This blog is probably going to come across as pretty cliche and sappy, so just a heads can't say I didn't warn you)

A few days ago, I saw that a friend of mine had added a new application to his Facebook page. A "year of stats" persay. Anyways, this application shuffles through the status updates you've posted on your page this year and puts them all on a single format. I, of course, jumped on that Facebook bandwagon and was a little more emotional that I was expecting when I read what had been accumulated from my status updates this year.

My guitar (new guitar!) was brought up a few times, a lot of things about riding, or fund-raising, or quotes that meant alot this year. But reading through these attached people to each one in my mind.

I may embarrass a few on here, but I'd really like to recognize some folks on here for the (maybe unknowingly) impact they've had on my life this year....

Josh Iniguez and "Iron" Mike Barrow-This year started out with so much fear and intimidation on if I could come anywhere close to being a part of this thing called the Ride:Well Bike Tour. I was seriously scared out of my mind. But you 2 never let my fear conquer me completely. The encouragment I received from you 2 in preparation for this summer is something I am so, so, so thankful for. You 2 are some main reasons why I was able to get over my personal fears, and do something that I'd NEVER thought I'd have the opportunity to do. So guys, thank you.

John and Joey Wirmel-When I received a check in the mail from you guys for my Ride:Well fundraising, I had NO idea the sacrifice you all would be making for that experience. I'm pretty sure I was crying when I saw what you all had sent. That meant so much to me knowing that you all were about to extend your family with a new baby. I was overwhelmed with the gratitude of knowing that you all had so much faith in me, in this cause, and in the belief that I could be a part of something so huge. So John and BFF, thank you.

Rachel McQuitty-Before I started fundraising for Ride:Well, we didn't know each other from the next person, but you have been such a ray of light. You, in your awesome-ness were all on board with helping me meet my goal to be a part of Ride:Well. Your excitment about the whole experience with Blood:Water meant more than you may realize, but it was a continuous encouragement. So, gal, thank you.

My Ride:Well Team-You all are honestly 16 of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life. Your support, encouragement, love, honesty, appreciation, and vulnerability have changed my life for the better. It was a beautiful thing to be on a team with you all and I really, really, REALLY appreciate the time I was able to spend with each of you. "With Everything", Taylor Swift, "Bibbity Bobbity", "Eustice", Iraq, Titanic, and "real life" will always connect me to you. Thank you, guys.

Paul Hurckman and the amazing people at the Oaks-Words can't even come close to describing how grateful I am that I was able to get to meet you all this year. When I first met Paul, I thought "He kinda reminds me of Jesus"...and I don't think that perception has changed much at all. The love for people and your passion for social injustice motivates and inspires me. Thank you all for loving people the way that you do. I hope that I can show people love the way that you all have showed it to me.

Others that I have been able to get to know this year (in no particular order) : Air Review (guys, you're just so awesome! Thanks for letting me hang out at the merch table and hear you all play your hearts out), Life Fellowship folks (thank you for the constant encouragment!), Jessica Bell, everyone at Blood:Water, Katie Ellwood, Criselda Vasquez, The entire Obrey family in Chandler, AZ., Lisa Rudzik(thank you SO much for teaching me everything I know about bikes!), James Trammell, the support system of friends at FNB (thank you, thank you, thank you.), to EACH AND EVERY ONE of you that donated in any capacity towards Ride:Well, I am eternally grateful. You all inspired me to push myself beyond my limits...and if I missed you, please know that I just have some memory loss issues, but you are still very appreciated. :)

THANK YOU for being a part of my 2010 story, and allowing me to be a part of yours. I'm truly grateful.