Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The End of The Blogging Break

I wanted to take a few minutes and post on here what is happening in my Oh-So-Exciting Life. real life, it's not that exciting, but I am very excited about where things are going. The optimism in itself is pretty exciting.

Now, to the good stuff:

LIFE: Things in life are good and consistent right now. I don't really have too many complaints as I HAVE a job (which in my opinion is something alone that I am really grateful for). The big news happening at the moment is that Jim and I will be heading to Africa in about 9 weeks. The 2 of us and our friend Heather will be there for about a week total, not to mention the travel time. The travel time itself I think will be a true test of character as we're looking at 28 hours there and 22 hours back. Awesome. But we are both really excited about seeing our former pastors turned missionaries to Swaziland, Randy and Dezra Freeman and their awesome family. Our going is something that I really believe is something that God completely had His hand in.

Here's a little bit of the story, in case you're interested. If not, go ahead and skip this paragraph :)

Last summer, I was on the Ride:Well Bike Tour. Honestly, it's something I NEVER in my right mind would have EVER done. I honestly come from a family that really doesn't do crazy things like that. EVER. But I did. I knew I had to. I knew that even without a bike or any legitimate game-plan on how to fundraise $5200, it happened. It all happened. And it really changed my life. Even during my training and fundraising, I consistently prayed that God would just break my heart for Africa, for those that we were riding for. I prayed that my heart and my intentions would be right and I would consistently be reminded of what it was all for. And even after Ride:Well, that didn't stop. I don't really know why it's AFRICA. I, before now, have never had a huge desire to go or serve there directly. But after last summer and continuing to be a part of the stories of some directly connected with Ride:Well and Venture Expeditions, I have really been challenged to go beyond just giving or enjoying a video from the church seating (not bashing, those are both great things), but to physically and sacrifically be a part of the cause. On a Saturday in May, I remember Jim and I talking (jokingly, mind you) about going to Africa. (Har, har, har..yeah, right...) and Jim's direct quote to me was "God would literally have to kick me in the teeth to get me to go to Africa." I'm not sure if God took that as a challenge. The next day, Sunday, was Randy's last time to speak at Life Fellowship, the church we have been a part of with them. His sermon hit Jim and I..hard. He talked about the price that is paid to daily carry our the cross we bear is one of other's needs above our own. It broke us both. I literally cried most of that morning. And even now, I'm getting kinda emotional just talking about it. (Gah!) We got into our car after saying our good-bye's and the first thing Jim said was: "Oh my gosh, Mel, we need to go to Africa." I knew it...I knew we HAD to. At that moment we crossed the line between "what a cute idea to visit Africa" to "God, break our hearts for the people we are going to meet and encounter."...and that's how we got to where we are now...While we're there our game plan is to meet as many people as we can, hear as many stories as I can. Also, if weather permits, we may have the opportunity to work with a couple doctors who test about 100 people a day for HIV/AIDS. Honestly, I hope that the weather permits us to.

OK, to continue, we are really excited about visiting our friends there as well as meeting as many people as possible. I also believe we are going to have some time for hiking and zip-lining while we're there to belatedly celebrate Heather's birthday, so that will be AWESOME!

LOVE: Jim and I are doing great..this trip has definitely brought out a greater appreciation for the other. He turned 30 just last week, so I am adjusting to that ;)Just kidding, just kidding...and he honestly cracks me up everyday. It's those "quiet" ones that are just hilarious I think.

OTHER MYSTERIES: Trying to think of anything else going on is honestly kinda tough...I did just order 3 new books off Amazon that I'm pretty excited about, except for the fact that I'm a pretty slow reader and I feel kinda overwhelmed now by that decision. And that, folks is the mystery: Why would I do that?? :)

Life is Good.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Broken. I'm A Broken Mess.

Today, this year's Ride:Well South team is experiencing one of the toughest (by far) days of the tour. Today, they are making the climb from Chandler, AZ into Payson, AZ. As a little taste of how today will go, you should know that Payson sits at 5,000 feet elevation. Total today between the up-hills and down-hills, they will climb a total of about 9,000 feet. Yeah. 9,000. Try wrapping your brain around that.

But today, I have intentionally be praying HARD for this team. Of every day on the tour, "Payson Day" was the day I was most wanting to throw in the towel. To admit my self defeat. That would have been easy.

But that's not what I signed up for.

Earlier today, I was texting with Sandra Obrey, a rider on the tour, and honestly, a hero in my book. Sandra is married with 5 sons, 2 of which still live at home with her and her awesome husband. Knowing that today would be tough, I sent her a couple text messages this morning to offer some encouragment and inquired about how she was doing. And her response blew me away..

"Broken. I am a broken mess."

It completely brought me almost to the point of tears.

She's in the right place. I know it.

"Payson Day" is physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting...but being broken is the best place to be to learn to trust in God. Remembering the Africans faces that broke my heart and inspired me to sign up for this ride last year..that's where I had the most purpose. That was the place where I knew exactly what I needed to do to help bring hope.

How about you? Are you in this broken place? Have you exhausted yourself for the sake of hope? I am finding myself reminding me of these questions. Even this one: Does this picture still break my heart?

If not, I need to get back to that place of brokenness...

Friday, May 27, 2011

This is Me...Issuing a Challenge...

Hey friends!
I wanted to take a second before this Memorial Day weekend to issue a challenge. Right now, some of the most amazing girls EVER are riding their bikes from Austin to Dallas, supporting the organization To Write Love on Her Arms. (If you haven't heard of it, go NOW and check it out!) But that's not all, they're stopping at soup kitchens and shelters along the way to I said, AMAZING. And one of the coolest things about this story is that some of these girls aren't harcore cyclists, but they are wanting to serve. So they're taking a risk. Taking a chance. And THAT, my friends is inspiring to me.

My friends at Venture Expeditions have also been a part of challenging folks in this area.

*Would you get out of the comfort zone that's oh, so comfortable and use your talents, gifts, time, and opportunities to benefit others?*

It's really easy to say and promote, but it's definitely a difficult thing to live out.

But the challenge has been issued.

Maybe it's cycling like these gals, maybe it's running, maybe it's playing an instrument...maybe it's something else. YOUR something else.

"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, lean not on YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING."

Yeah, maybe the challenge has been laid out already, but maybe you are needing this reminder like I am.

Run Free Act Normal Story from Ryan Leak on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

If You Say Go, If You Say Wait...

Hey everyone!
It's been a while since I've done some, (as you're probably assuming at this point), here's a new one!! :)

The past few weeks (about a month or so), I've been at that point in life where I'm ready to be where I'm supposed to be..where God wants me to be for an extended period of time. I haven't been secretive with anyone (including my manager) with the fact that I really don't want to be in the banking business forever. I think it's exactly where some people are supposed to be (and I LOVE the things I've learned and people I've met while here), I just don't think I'm one of those people. Some folks are AMAZING at being driven by numbers and dollars, and no offense to them at all, but I'm just not wired that way. My heart is completely for the people that I am able to interact with...their stories, families, pasts, desires for the future...that is what has kept me here as long as it has I think.

But let's be honest, God's timing is a whole lot better than mine. Right now, when all I want is to be doing whatever that next thing is, I have to keep reminding myself that I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now. I've been reading alot on the topic lately, and I know that right now is when God is teaching me character and patience...both of which are tough pills to swallow when you're as hard-headed as I am. :)

This week, I have been listening to alot of worshippy (is that even a real word?) music on my Pandora station. And a couple days ago, I heard a song that was EXACTLY what I was needing to hear (And I REALLY love when that happens!) The song is If You Say Go by Rita Springer..and here are the lyrics:

If You say go, we will go

If You say wait, we will wait

If You say step out on the water

And they say it can't be done

We'll fix our eyes on You and we will come

Your ways are higher than our ways

And the plans that You have laid

Are good and true

If You call us to the fire

You will not withdraw Your hand

We'll gaze into the flames and look for You

Maybe I just needed to hear those words, but maybe you do too. Have any of you fabulous readers been at this point before? What advice would you give others going through it? Feedback and comments would be fantabulous!

Thank you, as always, for reading!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Tour of Photos

Hey everyone! This past weekend my good friend Katie and I went up to Portland, Oregon (one of my favorite places EVER!!) and I thought I would share some of the highlights for me personally...ENJOY! :)

**Have wings. Will fly. :) **

**Our hostel!! It was AWESOME!!**

**I really do love Earth! PSU may not think so...but it's true! (If you'd like to hear the story, let me know! It's hilarious!)

**Beautiful weather.**

**A tandem bike was hilarious!!**

**The Portland Loo...and yes, I used it. Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go! :) **

**Stumptown Coffee!**


**Mother's Bistro aka Breakfast Bliss**

**The view of Portland from the tram**

**Enjoying some scenery thanks to the awesome ride in the tram!**


**A little break on the trek up to the Rose Gardens and Holocaust Memorial**

*Hellooooo, Portland!**

**Goat Cheese Pancakes and Turkey Bacon...Yes, please!**

**Singin' in the Rain...**

**VooDoo Doughnuts. Enough said.**

*My first taxi ride EVER! I LOVED IT!!**

**On the plane, back to Dallas**

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Price of Some Sacrifices

A few days ago, I saw a movie screening of a Dallas Independent Film called "Between Notes" (If you wanna check out the trailer, here's the link!) : To be honest, I cried...alot, during the film. I laughed at the scenes where a tandum bike was involved (seriously, what's NOT funny about that??), but there were definitely a lot more tears shed. I know that I'm kinda a sap about somethings..and I'm OK with that. But one of the main things that stuck out to me about this movie was how much I could relate to the main character. His backstory is that he gives up his dreams of being a musician for the sake of a relationship, follows the girl, ends up in corporate America..blah, blah, blah. But I know how that feels. I know it very well. There are things in my life I wish I could definitely change or go back and do differently. I think that if we were all honest with ourselves, we all would say that. Sometimes it's grace and a great thing that things are the way they are, and other times, we make decisions that seem to make sense in the moment, but we don't realize that we sacrifice our dreams in that moment. If I'm being completely honest, I really struggle with trying to forget the past and move on to things ahead. Maybe because I still have those dreams, maybe it's because I think those were better times, maybe I think that was a better me. Whatever the case, it's a tough road. But there's grace. There's always grace. And there's always the desire to want to make myself the best me I can be. And not in corporate America, big house, fast cars, American "dream" way, but in a way where I can use my talents to serve, to give hope, and to offer grace. I want what I do to inspire someone else to be the best them that they can be. Who knows...maybe I will post up some videos with me and my guitar sometime...maybe it will offer hope. Until then...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Change of Pace...

For the most part, most of the blogs that I've posted so far have been pretty general, pretty fluffy, and pretty...well, pretty pretty.

And today, I'm doing something different. I'm really needing a venting outlet, and I think that this is what blogs can also be used for.

The last 24 hours have been maybe some of the worst that I've ever had. That said, everyone has good days and bad days, but the worst days for me come when I'm at odds with someone really close to me.

I'm not mentioning names or situations or anything like that on here to protect some reputations, but there are some things that I've seen in the past day that have really made me the most upset I think I've ever been.

*For starters, people that put themselves into a box and have no desire to get out of the box they built drives me crazy.

*I can't stand people who tolerate people that treat them like garbage, and even call them friends (I your enemies..I know...I'm just needing this moment, alright?!)

*People that manipulate others into getting their own way breaks my heart. So many people can be involved, and they just don't care...they just want to know that they're in charge, that they have some sense of control.

*And maybe more than the rest, it really, really, REALLY breaks my heart when people are content with mediocrity. They're content with everything not being what they want or desire or dream about. Complacency in the max capacity. That seriously just tears me apart inside.

So here I am, just thinking about these situations and my hands are cold and shaking from my being so upset, and at the same time I just want to cry. My heart is really broken and hurting and frustrated that this is how things are.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing? Any situations like this that involved someone close to you? How do you handle it?...Advice, comments, and feedback welcome.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Feeling Churchy?

To be honest, I've been considering writing this for a couple weeks now and I haven't due to the fear I have of giving someone the wrong impression...mainly to my family and close friends. But thanks to a good friend, (ahem...Katie Ellwood..) I think it would be a good thing to share.

I started this blog last year with the intent to speak my mind, emotions, feelings, all of those things. Well, it's a new year... A new start, and I want to make the most of this blog.

As most of you who read this know, I grew up in the church. Not literally. But I have spent a good chunk of my life in a church.

When I was a kid, I was at church Sunday morning for Sunday School, stuck around for Sunday AM service, Sunday PM service, Wednesday night youth group, and Friday night revival meetings. All of those sprinkled with the occassional prayer meeting, bible study, or youth event.


I should add here that I am in no way bitter about being raised like I was. I think that it was great having been raised around some amazing Christian folks. I'm grateful for the friendships, mentors, and lessons that I acquired when I was growing up.

But, I think that regardless if you were "raised in the church" like me or not, I think that everyone at some point steps back and re-evaluates why they believe that they believe...why they do what they do...what drives them....

And for me, that didn't come until recently.

It wasn't a cynical or bitter self-evaluation at all. On the contrary, I needed to step back and look at what it all was for.

Did I have purpose?
Did I feel like my life was meaningful and intentional?
What was I living for? Myself? Others? Both?

Fast forward to 2010.

2010 was really a crazy, exciting, unbelievable year.
And honestly, 2010 was the year that I missed the most church that I have in my whole life.
I don't say this to brag at all. I'm not really proud of it...that's just how it was.

But, I really believe that 2010 taught me more about the heart of God than I think I'd ever known before. Again, not something I'm necessarily proud of...that's just how it was for me personally.

Of these things, I've learned that I don't think God is about full sanctuaries or huge shows or massive productions. And honestly, I've thought up until the last couple years, that the bigger the church event..the fuller the sanctuary..the closer God was.

Ignorance at its finest.

For the record, I don't think those are bad. I think that sometimes those are great tools to show people a glimpse of hope and salvation....

But this year has really taught me that God's heart isn't really about those things.

It's about the widows, the orphans, those that feel alone, slaves, the broken, the hurting, those that need someone to hear, those that need hope.

And those are the things that I want my heart to be about.
I know that I am not alone in this. That's the beauty of hope.

I want to conclude this (fearfully composed) blog with a verse that meant alot to me this year..

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

And that, is one of my New Year's Resolutions for 2011.
How about you? What are you wanting to focus on this year?