Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The End of The Blogging Break

I wanted to take a few minutes and post on here what is happening in my Oh-So-Exciting Life. real life, it's not that exciting, but I am very excited about where things are going. The optimism in itself is pretty exciting.

Now, to the good stuff:

LIFE: Things in life are good and consistent right now. I don't really have too many complaints as I HAVE a job (which in my opinion is something alone that I am really grateful for). The big news happening at the moment is that Jim and I will be heading to Africa in about 9 weeks. The 2 of us and our friend Heather will be there for about a week total, not to mention the travel time. The travel time itself I think will be a true test of character as we're looking at 28 hours there and 22 hours back. Awesome. But we are both really excited about seeing our former pastors turned missionaries to Swaziland, Randy and Dezra Freeman and their awesome family. Our going is something that I really believe is something that God completely had His hand in.

Here's a little bit of the story, in case you're interested. If not, go ahead and skip this paragraph :)

Last summer, I was on the Ride:Well Bike Tour. Honestly, it's something I NEVER in my right mind would have EVER done. I honestly come from a family that really doesn't do crazy things like that. EVER. But I did. I knew I had to. I knew that even without a bike or any legitimate game-plan on how to fundraise $5200, it happened. It all happened. And it really changed my life. Even during my training and fundraising, I consistently prayed that God would just break my heart for Africa, for those that we were riding for. I prayed that my heart and my intentions would be right and I would consistently be reminded of what it was all for. And even after Ride:Well, that didn't stop. I don't really know why it's AFRICA. I, before now, have never had a huge desire to go or serve there directly. But after last summer and continuing to be a part of the stories of some directly connected with Ride:Well and Venture Expeditions, I have really been challenged to go beyond just giving or enjoying a video from the church seating (not bashing, those are both great things), but to physically and sacrifically be a part of the cause. On a Saturday in May, I remember Jim and I talking (jokingly, mind you) about going to Africa. (Har, har, har..yeah, right...) and Jim's direct quote to me was "God would literally have to kick me in the teeth to get me to go to Africa." I'm not sure if God took that as a challenge. The next day, Sunday, was Randy's last time to speak at Life Fellowship, the church we have been a part of with them. His sermon hit Jim and I..hard. He talked about the price that is paid to daily carry our the cross we bear is one of other's needs above our own. It broke us both. I literally cried most of that morning. And even now, I'm getting kinda emotional just talking about it. (Gah!) We got into our car after saying our good-bye's and the first thing Jim said was: "Oh my gosh, Mel, we need to go to Africa." I knew it...I knew we HAD to. At that moment we crossed the line between "what a cute idea to visit Africa" to "God, break our hearts for the people we are going to meet and encounter."...and that's how we got to where we are now...While we're there our game plan is to meet as many people as we can, hear as many stories as I can. Also, if weather permits, we may have the opportunity to work with a couple doctors who test about 100 people a day for HIV/AIDS. Honestly, I hope that the weather permits us to.

OK, to continue, we are really excited about visiting our friends there as well as meeting as many people as possible. I also believe we are going to have some time for hiking and zip-lining while we're there to belatedly celebrate Heather's birthday, so that will be AWESOME!

LOVE: Jim and I are doing great..this trip has definitely brought out a greater appreciation for the other. He turned 30 just last week, so I am adjusting to that ;)Just kidding, just kidding...and he honestly cracks me up everyday. It's those "quiet" ones that are just hilarious I think.

OTHER MYSTERIES: Trying to think of anything else going on is honestly kinda tough...I did just order 3 new books off Amazon that I'm pretty excited about, except for the fact that I'm a pretty slow reader and I feel kinda overwhelmed now by that decision. And that, folks is the mystery: Why would I do that?? :)

Life is Good.

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