Thursday, January 7, 2010

The beginning of this Journey

Being the first blog, I've EVER done outside of MySpace, I'm not really sure how to get this started. So I'll start with things I know, and things and I'm in the process of learning at this point of my life:

The biggest (and most time) consuming thing that is happening now is that I am currently in the process of training for the Ride: Well tour. This is a bike ride that will take place during June and July, going from San Diego to Myrtle Beach. I'll be on a team of 16 others (I think...) that will be riding with me for a tremendous cause...fresh water and health for those that otherwise may not get it. You see, this ride is raising funds for Blood: Water Mission, an organization that builds fresh water wells and health clinics in Africa.

If anyone reading this grew up in the church like I did, this cause seems like another tele-evangelist pre-prayer money collection. And like you, I'd heard about the need over and over...but something changed in me. Something snapped. Maybe it's conviction, maybe it's the timing of this point in my life, whatever you want to call it, it happened to me. When I read that 1 in 6 people in Africa don't have clean accessible WATER, I pray that something also happens to you. To know that 1/3 of a CONTINENT doesn't have something that we take for granted, is heartbreaking and something that really woke me up.

You see, I'm not a crazy triathalon, marathon, ironman athlete. I started going to the gym and paying attention to my diet back in March, but that's about it. But one thing that I've learned is that when circumstances are beyond me, God usually puts people in my life to encourage me to push past the limits that I've set up for myself. That's what we do...whether it be a medical disorder, or people speaking negatively into your life at an age where it molds you, or (like me) a childhood that gave you a misconception of church or God or Christians, we all put limits on ourselves.

So, I'd encourage you, if you're at a point of confusion on your next "step" in life, think BIG. Think beyond you...make 2010 different. Make it what you want it. Do something you would have never thought or dreamed of. I'd love to hear what it is..what are your beyond-you goals for this year?

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