Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bracelet-Making 101

These last few weeks, I have been finding myself saying a lot more phrases like "I think I need this"..or "That's definitely something that would be great for me.." and so on and so forth.

To keep it short, I've been making everything about me. A place that I seriously despise being in.

Just within the last couple of days, I've been seriously re-evaluating this attitude. And the reminder I've needed has literally been right on my wrist.


This summer, during Ride:Well, myself and a few other cyclists stopped at a small, gas station turned convenience store in the middle of nowhere, New Mexico. There was an elderly woman behind the counter accompanied by 2 young girls. I'd assume they were both between 6 and 8 years old. As we were checking out with gatorade, water, and Snickers bars in hand, one of the girls asked if we would want to by a bracelet. Each one was a different color and were made out of yarn. The kind of bracelets young girls have always made (as long as I've been alive at least!). Braided yarn with frayed ends.

Simplicity that took on a new meaning after I asked her what she was selling them to save for.

Her response, "So we can go home."

My heart dropped.

She said that her mom lived in Mississippi, and she was wanting to raise money to see her mom instead of having to live with her grandmother (the elderly woman running the store).

After I bought myself and the other Ride:Well ladies one of these bracelets, her face lit up.

She had raised $8.50 and was on her way to raising the funds to get home.

We all have those moments. Those heart-wrenching, don't-even-realize-the-lesson-being-learned, put life into perspective moments.

I constantly have to remind myself of that moment and of moments like that...

Of that young girl..who just wanted to go home.

My "needs" don't seem so necessary.

I want to make a conscious effort to invest in things that will matter to others...matter to someone other than just myself. I want to appreciate time I have with friends and family. I want to always remember that while I'm complaining about my life that has so many awesome aspects to it, others are just trying to get home.

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